Monday, January 25, 2010

The Chieftain

Another piece added to my portfolio. Created using Painter IX and a touch of Photoshop at the end (for a little color correction). Doing these images, gets me warmed up for the next Demonwolf issue. Right now, working on the pencils for issue 2 of 6. Stay tuned.
I am in the process of submitting the series to existing publishers. I need a company that has a good market presence and international distribution. Wish me luck.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Art

I painted this one in Painter IX. Just a dark and screaming Dragon-type creature. Always fascinated by the different Dragon designs that artists come up with.

Saw Avatar yesterday and was completely blown away. What a beautifully designed film. I want to live on Pandora. I hear that James Cameron is going to do 2 sequels. Cool. If you haven't seen it yet, you've got to see it in 3D. Amazing. You know a movie is good, if you are sad that it's over. I'd like to pick up the Art of Avatar book to see the concept art.

Until next time,

William Kenney

Monday, January 11, 2010

Take us to your leader...or some 3-headed salmon

My daughter's idea...except she wanted one to have a mustache. Oh, well.....

Digital Paintings

Just doing some digital sketching with Painter the last few days. One of the coolest pieces is a dragon with tattered wings. Hope to post it here soon. Also, working on the scripts for the next Demonwolf issues. Coming along nicely. It's super cold where we live, snow and ice. Not a fan. Must move away from here...a volcano sounds nice.


Friday, January 1, 2010

1st day of 2010 nearly over.

The 2010 clock has begun and is counting down. You've got 364 days left to make this year a great one. I am starting now. Working on art already. Working on the scripts for the next issues of Demonwolf. Also, designing new prints to offer on our website and at conventions. This year, I'm going to work like crazy to get my stuff seen by as many people as I possibly can.
Good luck with everything you do this year.

William Kenney

Goofing around with Facebook's Graffiti application.

Not a lot of options to mess with on Graffiti. Just did it for fun. Press Play!