Monday, August 24, 2009

New website up and running

Check out the new Now you can order prints and comic books through the site using Paypal. Take a look and tell me what you think.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Back from Chicago Comic-con

Well, conventions are always insane. You think it's crazy trying to get through the crowds and see all the things you want to see? Try having a table in Artist's Alley. From carting all of my stuff in (prints, originals, comics, art supplies, display banner, drinks, food, and on and on) to navigating the Chicagoland highways to dealing with hotel elevators.... But, you know what? I miss it already.
I met a lot of great people this weekend. Did a ton of free sketches. Signed many comic books. Speaking of which, someone showed up at my table with a copy of Payne #1. This is a black and white comic that I wrote and drew in 1995. Holy crap! That was very unexpected. The guy walks up, holds the book out and says "Are you this William Kenney?"
I answered "Wow. Where did you find that?" It was pretty cool, actually.
I signed it for him and we talked for a while.
So, the new Demonwolf comic book went over quite well. Sold and signed many copies for people.
We sold a lot of prints. The most popular by far was the Batman print that we offered. I think we sold about 3 times as many Batman as the others.
I have tons of photos that I will be posting soon. Just have to upload them to the laptop. So, stay tuned. Lots of crazy costumes coming up.

William Kenney

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Leaving for Chicago Comic-con later today...

These are some of the pieces that I will have available at the Convention this weekend. Done with black ink and grey markers (plus a little red). If you are going to be there, stop by our table (#3728) and give us lots of money. No, really. Tons of cash. Mostly 20's. Thanks.

William Kenney