You know, the original Land of the Lost kicked ass. I remember when I was a kid, watching it on Saturday mornings. The stories were always so cool and the Sleestak scared the crap out of me. Well, this weekend the Scifi Channel played a marathon of the original 3 seasons and man....It felt good to watch it. A lot of the concepts were pretty cool although the effects were quite cheeeeesy. I love it, though. Can't help it.
And that theme song.....Marshall, Will and Holly. On a routine expedition....haha....
So, I kinda hate the fact that the new movie is a goofball comedy. As a kid, this was serious stuff. Now, I just have to find the DVD's of the series.
I like how when the last season started, they had a stand-in for the Dad ( Who had quit over some money dispute or something). All you could see was the back of someone wearing a wig that resembled his hair. Then, whoooosh! He gets sucked into some time portal thingy. Then....what a coincidence...their uncle just happens to be searching for them and ends up where they are....Wow....what are the odds?
Anyway, if you haven't seen the original before, give it a chance. Remember, though, it was made between 1974 and 1976.
And now I'm off to finish singing the theme song. "Met the greatest earthquake ever known....High on the rapids, it struck their tiny raft.....and plunged them down a thousand feet below......to the Land of the Lost-ost-ost........